To provide right and verified information to the people of India government has launched the Chatbot on WhatsApp. It has been designed and implemented by Reliance Jio’s subsidiary Haptik Technologies Limited. The main of launching this Chabot is to address people to answer their query on COVID-19 and raise awareness about the same. This can be accessed any individual who is looking for information on precautionary measures and treatment practices. The coronavirus outbreak has been declared as pandemic so the government also must stop spreading false rumours and pass the right information. It is an affirmative effort by the government to send verified and correct detail in the form of video, infographic or text.
Indian Health Ministry’s Chatbot
To use this Chatbot, first of all, the user has to save this number “+91 9013151515” in the contact list. Just send “Hi” message to this number from WhatsApp. As a result, it will show you some query-based menu page. This will give detail on symptoms, how it spreads, way to reduce risk, Professional advice by AIIM-Director and when anybody gets infected from where to get help. This response also shows the Indian government official link on covid-19, help number and toll-free number as well.
WHO (World Health Organisation) Chatbot
This can be used by saving contact number “+41798931892” in the smartphone. If Chatbot is not showing in the Whatsapp then prefix ‘00’ to this number. This Chatbot shows statistics on confirmed and death cases globally as well as region-wise. It suggests “do and don’t” about this pandemic. It creates awareness among the people by indicating fact. Nowadays, lots of false information is being spread on social media. The part “Mythbusters” is useful in this case to get the right detail on it. More ever, this Chatbot also provides tips on protection against virus, precaution to take while travelling and some informative press and news release to keep updated citizen.
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