Monday, March 16, 2020

Corona Virus Do's And Don'ts To Stop From Spreading


The corona virus has almost covered entire world no country has been escaped from its infection. After China, Italy is considered as its epic center as maximum numbers of victims are here now. The entire world is under threat. There is a race among the scientist to find a solution for this COVID-19.As per WHO (World Health Organization), at least six month or a year we will have to wait to get anti-dots. Health experts advise that you should pay attention to eating and drinking to prevent this deadly epidemic. A few days   ago Chinese scientists have said that generally this virus affects old aged elder weak person. So everyone should eat or drink such food that boosts your immune system and keep protected us from the virus. Anti-viral food should be included in the diet.

Coconut oil –
 The popularity of coconut and particularly coconut oil has soared because of touted health benefits.  It is beneficial if you are using coconut oil in your kitchen instead of any other refined oil. There are several types of saturated acid found in, it like lauric acid with meristic and palmitic acid which boosts immunity system.

Vitamin C –
 It is also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble nutrient found in some foods.   Foods rich in vitamin C include broccoli, cantaloupe, cauliflower, kale, kiwi, orange juice, papaya, red, green or yellow pepper, sweet potato, strawberries, and tomatoes.

Maca –
       It is highly nutritious, is a great source of several important vitamins and minerals. It contains carbs, protein, fiber, fat, vitamin-c, copper, iron, potassium, vitamin B6 and manganese. It is famous among bodybuilders and athletes as its enhance endurance performance.
Ginger –
There is anti-viral element in the ginger it increase the immunity. Ginger is a common spice and added flavoring. Many people drink ginger teas or soft drinks. It can be eaten raw, mashed or can be added to soups.
More ever, as WHO declared following precautions should be taken-

  • Basic hand hygiene like washing hands with soap and water
  • Cover mouth when sneezing or coughing
  • Avoid unprotected contact with animals, thoroughly wash hands after contact.
  • Cook meat thoroughly before consumption.
  • Keep safety distance of 3 to 4 feet minimum while communicating.
  • Use Indian method to greet “Namaste”
  • Avoid crowded place.
  • Avoid consumption of raw foods including raw meat, raw egg, raw vegetables.
  • Wear mask if not possible keep handkerchief on mouth
  • Avoid to travel infected area.
There are many things related to corona virus, about which people do not know yet, that is why people have curiosity to know about this virus, according to a report in China, the corona virus can be alive for about 9 days.Indian experts say that if someone has touched your infected mobile, then infection can spread very quickly.According to the Central Disease and Control (CDC) of America, Corona virus can remain alive outside the body for 9 days.The CDC says the virus can survive on metal for up to 12 hours.According to the WHO, it can live on sckin for only 10 minutes.Hand should be washed thoroughly after touching metal or any infected thing.The virus can remain alive for 48 hours on the front screen of a mobile phone and 9 days if it is plastic on the back panel.If the back panel is of metal, the coronavirus can live up to 12 hours.The virus remains alive for 9 hours on clothes.The virus can be killed by drying clothes in sunlight for 2 hours.

Following Guidelines to States/UTs for quarantine has been issued by government of India

SOP for Categorization of Passengers for COVID 19 coming from China, Democratic Republic of Korea, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Iran for Airport Screening
Categorisation for passengers coming from at Health Counters Categorise the passengers into A, B, C
Category A (High Risk) – A passenger with fever, cough, shortness of breath, with a history of travel to or residence in a country/area or territory reporting local transmission of COVID-19 disease during the 14 days prior to symptom onset.
A patient with any acute respiratory illness AND having been in contact with a COVID19 case in the last 14 days prior to onset of symptoms;

Action: - Segregated from other passengers and sent for Isolation

Category B (Moderate Risk) - A asymptomatic passenger coming from China, Democratic Republic of Korea, France Germany, Spain, Italy, Iran and are elderly (above 60 years), Hypertensive, Diabetic, Asthmatic

Action: - To be shifted by State Government to a dedicated quarantine facility and monitored daily by State Government for next 14 days. In case, they develop symptoms, they should be isolated.

Category C (Low Risk) – A asymptomatic passenger coming from any COVID 19 affected country including passengers coming from China, Democratic Republic of Korea, France Germany, Spain, Italy, Iran.

Action: - Kept under Home Quarantine and will be monitored by IDSP network for 14 days, if they develop Fever/ Cough/ Difficulty in breathing within 14 days after return from any COVID 19 affected countries should immediately call at National helpline (011-23978046) for further management.

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