Monday, September 3, 2018

Tips To Save Battery And Optimize Internet Access On Smartphone


You are booking an air ticket or railway ticket but the browser is not responding properly it is hanging up and on Or suddenly battery reaches to end level, such situation increase frustration. To avoid it both situation battery and internet access optimization is necessary so that you can run your function smoothly anytime on mobile.

When you run the internet on your phone, the battery of your phone ends very soon, then an idea comes into mind to reset the phone and to replace the battery. But this will not solve the fast draining of battery while surfing the internet. There are very small things to say, but if you take care of these small things, neither will your phone ever be warm nor your phone will ever hang up and your phone battery will never end soon.

The first thing you do not have to make this mistake if your phone has any battery saver application that saves your battery. You first delete that application from your phone, whether it is battery saver applications; whether it clears the memory, whether it is a clear cache or any such application in your phone, first of all, remove it.

Keep your phone’s brightness low. If you keep it too much high the energy of battery will down soon. It may be that during the summer, your phone will start to heat very well, so you have to select the brightness of your phone in Auto mode. Generally, this option is available in the settings - - > display. If you turn on auto brightness on your phone, then the advantage will be that the brightness of your phone will increase automatically. You will see that if you go to the sunlight then the written text and applications in your phone are not visible, they need to increase the brightness but there will be an automation of your phone's brightness due to auto mode. Brightness is very important which eliminate or save your phone battery, so you have to take care of the brightness.

Next important thing is background running apps. This shall not be ignored. Most of the smartphone user use the Facebook app. After using it completely log out. If you do not log out it will keep running itself in the background. You might have observed many times Facebook or WhatsApp notifications appear on the top bar of your phone. It is because those applications are running in the background. Doesn’t matter if you switch off the data connection of your phone but all the application those running in the background will consume battery always. So, the better option is going to setting -- > App and click facebook, WhatsApp or any other such application and tap to “Force Stop”.This will kill the app process to run in the background. You are travelling for long distance and no charging sources available that will keep you in the hard situation. To avoid it, save energy of the phone by stopping the apps.

There are some phones in which if you use black wallpaper, then your phone's battery will not go down. You can just give a try at least a couple of the days and observe the outcome. If it doesn’t affect you can continue with your colour wallpaper. 

Do not use unnecessary launchers. Especially, the animated launcher that consumes more energy should not be installed. Try to keep only daily used apps and remove all the rarely used.

Many times when the user opens web browser or any app it loads slowly. It hangs off and on. A lot of people go to the service centre with their phones assuming that some kind of problem has arisen there in the smartphone. But you can fix your phone if you pay a little attention then your phone will never hang. Nor will it stop.

So the first thing you need to keep in mind is that whatever your internal memory is in your phone, whether it is 4GB 8GB and 16GB 32GB or 2 GB, you have to keep 25 per cent of your internal memory always empty.

Never delete cache memory of those apps which you are using on daily basis. There is a folder called “Android” on your phone. Many people recommend deleting this folder, but do not delete the folder named Android by mistake too; there is cached data in that folder of the applications installed on your phone.

You guys would also be running the internet from the Chrome browser, then one thing is to keep in mind that Chrome browser can hang your phone too. Yes, after the long period it becomes heavy in term of size in the mobile. Just clear the all-time history, cookies and images by going through its setting.


Then after go to Setting -- > Account -- > Google here you will find all those apps where you have used Google to log in. In short, these accounts are synced with your Google account in the background. Just disable the option of “AutoSync”. And last final word at least one time you should switch off and on your phone during the whole day.

There are lots of apps suggested by people to optimize your internet access and improve battery life but don’t go for such apps. No guarantee that it will improve something in battery and optimize internet access to provide the smooth experience to the user. Keep less app, uninstalled rarely used apps, clear browser history and maintain at least 25% of free space in the internal memory, don’t clear cache data for frequently used apps. Force stop to apps running in the background that’s all to optimize your android phone.

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