Thursday, September 6, 2018

Eight Useful Options To Use While Watching YouTube Videos


Friends, if you use an android mobile, you will be watching all your favourite videos on YouTube. With guarantees, I can say that some of the tips you may know but not all of them. First of all, I will suggest you update the YouTube app. only after updating all works. 

Remind me to take a break


Go to Account and tap to the second number of option “Time Watched”, This will tell you all the details about how long you have used YouTube today, how many days did you start up and how much time you spend on YouTube so far. Here you will find an option “Remind me to take a break”. You have to set a time period. After passing the set time YouTube will remind you through a notification that there is a time to break. To use go to Settings - - > General -- > Remind me to take a break

Scheduled digest

After this, the best option is scheduled digest to me. When you tap on it, It will ask you to set delivery time. Actually, it will show the notifications of updates for all the channels which you have subscribed, at the set time. It is a very good option for those who are always busy and free at a certain time only. So, this good option to not getting disturbed by the notifications from YouTube channels to users. To use Go to Settings -- > Notifications -- > Scheduled digest


Here you will find various countries name. By selecting any country here, the home of the app will change according to that particular country. Here you can see all the current trending topics of that country on the home page. So, the result will be different for each country you select. 

Incognito mode 

If you are using your father or mothers phone and viewing some sensitive contents this will help you to hide your privacy. After activating this mode whatever type of video you watch nothing will store in the history section. It means nobody can see what you have seen on YouTube. So, it is the best option to manage your privacy. To use go to Settings -- >History and Privacy -- >Pause watch history 

Double-tap to seek

You are watching a drama or movie at once a song comes in if you want to skip it for certain seconds or minute the same you can set here. Generally, after double tap, you can move forward to that clip for certain seconds or minute whichever you have set using this option. It is the very good option for fast forward point of view. To use go to Settings -- > General -- > Double-tap to seek

Restricted Mode

If you are having kids at your home who are accessing YouTube using the phone, some restriction can be put for the contents, especially 18+ content. After activating this option no adult content will appear in the search result. You can give your mobile to children without any hesitation or thinking that what they will be watching as it will filter 18+ contents for them. To use go to Settings -- > General -- > Restricted Mode


There is an interesting movie in any other foreign language and you want to see it with subtitles than the option “Captions” plays an important role. If the video supports caption you can choose one from that list. Simply activate “Accessibility” and set language, text size and caption style that’s all. To use go to Settings -- > General -- > Captions 

Watch on TV

This option can be used to watch YouTube videos on your smart tv. Both connecting devices should be on the same Wi-Fi network in order to share content from tablet or Smartphone to smart TV. To use go to Settings -- > Watch on TV

These were the some most useful options to use while accessing YouTube videos.

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