Thursday, September 13, 2018

Google To Close Inbox, Want To Focus On Gmail Services


As the news coming out that Google will close the app “Inbox by Gmail” which was launched in the year 2014, till March 2019. The only reason behind is the company only want to focus on Gmail service.

This app was launched to give enhanced experience for the Gmail users. This is available for both desktop and Android platform. But there is a slight difference between Gmail and Inbox service. As it come with some specific features related to the grouping, recipients, statements, snoozing, follow-up and message. The main aim of this app was to provide a smarter email management experience. Recently Google brought the new look of Gmail with some new extra features which were available in “Inbox”. Parallel to the same another mail app of Google may be creating questions in the user mind that with which one to go. I think It is the right decision if the company want to improve Gmail service by adding extra productive and useful features for the users.

Still up to March 2019 user can use it. The Google providing transition guide to the existing users so that they can easily switch to new Gmail account. 

Yahoo also closed its “Yahoo! Messanger” service and replaced with “Squirrel”. The users can apply for the beta app from now. All yahoo messenger users are being redirected to the “Squirrel”.

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