Sunday, September 23, 2018

What About Your Social Media Account If You Die Suddenly?


Yeah! I know it sounds a strange thing to say that what will happen about your social media and other accounts in case you face sudden death. Actually, all your social media, email and other accounts are also considered as property so as per respective company’s policy you can set any family member to handle account after the death. Each and every company have different kind of policy to hand over the account right to any other nominated person. Most of the company doesn’t share login detail. Recently, there was news belonging to China that a toddler locked iPhone just entering the wrong PIN again and again. As result, it got locked for 48 years! She went to the Apple store but the company did not provide any login data. They gave the option to wipe and restore a backup file or wait for 48 years. The phone was of her husband who passed away without sharing the password to her. There were all her old photographs, important notes and documents those she didn’t want to lose. She is still figuring out a way to get her iPhone back to normal without losing her pictures and contacts. Perhaps, you may laugh after going through this story but we should take it seriously. This can happen with us or our family member. The service provider never compromises with its security. 

The search engine giant Google can do three things for you. First - Close the account of a deceased user. Second - Accept request for funds from a deceased user's account and third – provide data from a deceased user's account. From this link, you can submit a request regarding a deceased user’s account. 

Some of the services give the facility to appoint a legacy contact who will maintain your account with limited power. For Google, going through inactive account manager you can set such options. It is recommended that you should set certain parameters like to whom Google should contact in case inactiveness of your account for a long time. For that, you can redirect your web browser to -

As I told earlier, Apple won’t provide you with any information easily but it will help you to shut down the deceased person’s account. For that, you can visit their official support page - 

Microsoft has a next-of-kin process, which can provide representatives with a deceased person’s data. For that, you can send an email to

If your beloved one is on the LinkedIn than you can demand here to remove profile by providing some information like member name, LinkedIn profile URL, email address, relationship, date passed away etc. 

The microblogging platform Twitter can also remove the account and provide information about the person who is no more. The twitter’s “privacy policy inquiry ” helps four-way. 1. A person can request twitter account information. 2. Persona can report an underage person’s account. 3. A person can request for deactivation of deceased person’s account. 4. A person can ask a question regarding privacy policy on Twitter. You can point your web browser to -

On the Facebook, to request removal of account of the deceased person you have to prove that he was your family member or relatives. The documents like power of attorney, birth certificate, last will and testament, estate letter, memorial card or obituary shall be produced. The information should be matched with the account holders account information. Then after you can submit a request for profile removal. For more detail you may take a look over here

You can post an official special request for medically incapacitated or deceased person's account.  Visit - 

It’s better to set any nominee behind us to remove our data securely otherwise wrong hand may misuse it and lead to any serious problem to your beloved one. It is said precaution is better than cure.

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