Thursday, October 3, 2013

How To Shrink Photos To Speed Up Website

     For any successful website image is an important factor. We can not neglect it. The more attractive images are there the more chances of visitors are. Sometimes on the websites, contents are not much useful but visitors get attracted due attractive images on it. Finally they spend at least a minute to give a glance to that website. It is not necessary that user is always accessing the website through fastest connection, at least not all the visitors. Slow internet connection holder can’t much wait to load the website. They exit without visiting web properly. This may increase the bounce rate. Yeah ! I know it seems sound strange but it is true. A Good SEO always takes care of such issues. While building a website images should be in optimized form. Those can be loaded rapidly even on slow internet connection. A couple of years ago, when I changed the logo on my blog using HD graphic and also some widget images. It got some time to load the entire web page properly. At that time it came to in my mind that image optimization is an important task to any web site developer. So I suggest you to shrink size of your images to avoid such condition. Here, I am going to explain one of the way online.

If you Google so many websites are there those provides facility of changing size of the image. One of them a handy website is

Step By Step:

  1. Open the website
  2. Click on “Try It Now” then Upload picture
  3. Select Image and click to open, it will start to upload.
  4. After processing it will give download link of that reduced size image.          


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