- Open the link https://eaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/eDetails.aspx
- Enter all the needed details such as EID number, date and time, along with Resident Name and your area pincode. Generally this detail is available on your registration slip.
- Submit the data, later it will ask about your mobile number, just enter the valid one (the same as you used at first time during registration on enrollment center)
- The user will be able to watch last four digits of the mobile number. If that information is right, then click on ‘Yes’
- During this process, if your mobile number is not right, can be changed, the user gets one time password.
- At next stage you have to use that one time password to obtain the link.
- E-aadhaar card file is password protected that can only be accessed using your area pincode.(The same you used during registration)
Saturday, September 28, 2013
How To Download E-Aadhaar Card
By Jitendra Indave in: Aadhar Card Help How to How to recieve On Saturday, September 28, 2013
Aadhaar Card is the facility, a scheme implemented by the government of India to apply a unique identity number to each citizen in India. This can be used as strong proof for the schemes opened by the government of India to the public. Just recently in one of the decision of the supreme court of India, the Supreme Court told that it is not compulsory to have Aadhaar card to each citizen in India. However such vital decision, there is still rushing, long queues to receive Aadhaar card. To avoid such hassle and with a view to make it convenient for citizens of India, UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) has introduced online facility, which covers states like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Delhi and few more states. Currently the facility is on the trial run. Soon it will be implemented to all over India.
According to this facility, citizen required to register himself on the portal http://appointments.uidai.gov.in/ . After registration, there will be generated visiting schedule to the Adhar enrollment center and specific token number. This process of registration will fix appointment of the user. User requires to present at the enrollment center as per schedule he got during online registration along with required security documents. Suppose, due to some unavoidable reason candidate is not able to visit on said day and time, he can re-schedule or cancel it by visiting the link: http://appointments.uidai.gov.in/frmReScheduleEnrolment.aspx .
It is compulsory to undergo the usual process of getting your photograph clicked through the webcam, fingers scanned and fill in all the required details. After completing this process, within few months candidate will receive his Aadhaar card. The candidate can check the process of Aadhaar card online until it gets delivered to him. Below is the link given to check Aadhaar card delivery process:
Follow the process given below to get electronic version of your Aadhaar card.
Note: If you are facing problem about validating digital signature. The solution is available on the same page, there is a link given “How to validate signature”.
By: Jitendra Indave
About Admin of the Blog:

Mr. Jitendra Indave is the founder of Enigmazone .He is IT instructor and freelance web designer from Surat (Gujarat-India). He is tech enthusiast person. Contact Him Here
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