The Korean Smartphone maker has recently launched its new smartphone in the Indian market as G2. With this handset LG will join the race along with other models like Samsung Galaxy S4, Apple iPhone 5, Sony Xperia Z1, HTC One and Nokia Lumia 925. LG is looking to cover 10% share of the handset market in India up to 2014. According to the trusted sources, the company plans to spend 100 crore Rupee in the marketing field as well as expansion in the country.
LG G2 has a 13 Mega Pixel rear camera allowing a superior HD quality picture capturing experience and Front facing 2.1 Mega Pixel camera. For connectivity, it comes with 2G, 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, NFC, infrared and microUSB 2.0. In the market two variants of this model are available one of 16 GB at Price Rs. 41,500 and another of 32 GB at Price Rs. 44,500.
By: Jitendra Indave