Thursday, September 20, 2012

SocialFolders: Create Offline Copies Of Your Online Documents


     This is a superb website to copy all your online documents and media. User can manage and access contents from Dropbox, Picasa, Flickr, Facebook, Instagram, Photobucket, Twitter, and other platforms. It's like a backup tool, all the online data will be synchronized using the socialfolders web interface. In short, it syncs your social networking site data to your desktop.
    If you want to share your document, picture or video from one social platform to another in that case it most useful website. Using a single folder you can share. User can sync customized data (all Facebook albums or selected) , those are automatically downloaded to the desktop. The SocialFolders lets user upload files, too. There are two versions available; the first one is free with limitation where you can use three services and 200 files. Second one is a premium where you can use unlimited services. 

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