Friday, September 7, 2012

Download Video Faster Using DownloadHelper

    The excellent Firefox add-on DownloadHelper makes grabbing videos from YouTube, MySpace, Google videos, DailyMotion, Porkolt, iFilm, DreamHost etc., Much faster than other similar tools, because it lets you choose different file formats and resolutions. Obviously, the smaller the file, the faster it will download, which means you can sacrifice picture quality for speed.
Using this add-on you can download video for iPhone, iPad, Galaxy Tab in various formats. You can see the detail here in the pictures given below. 

Install Firefox add-on DownloadHelper


2.During installation process your web browser will ask to restart. Just restart it.
After installation. Open any youtube video, click on the DownloadHelper button which will appear near the title of the video. (see the picture below) and click on quick download. it will start to download. 


3. If you want to download for various gadget like smartphone, iPad, Galaxy Tab etc than follow the screen

First of all Click on dwonload and convert from the pop up menu.

after clicking on detail you can change file output format, screen size, frame rate,audio and video codec


Finally click on ok. it will start to download. But before it, it will show you a message regarding convertor software which is not installed in your computer. So, install it as per instruction it shows.It will start to download and convert. 

Cheers !!!

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