Monday, August 13, 2012
Miniwebtools: All In One Pack of Online Calculators.
By Jitendra Indave in: Education software On Monday, August 13, 2012
Miniwebtool is an extremely useful website, where user finds
various online tools and calculators. It is a helpful website for our day to
day calculations like mortgage, amortization, auto loan, compound interest,
VAT, EMI, simple interest , sales tax, saving, present value, loan payoff, ROI
etc. For students it is a good source for math related calculations, more than
fifty types of calculators are there in the website.
Manually solving math or financial questions is a tedious task , using the tools on this web site it becomes an easy task. The webmaster will find
some basic tools here like meta tag generator, CPM calculator, CSS compressor, RGB
to Hex convertor, Google Adsense calculator, CPC calculator etc. Beside it user will find sports, randomness, time/date, hash/checksum etc on this website. About Admin of the Blog:

Mr. Jitendra Indave is the founder of Enigmazone .He is IT instructor and freelance web designer from Surat (Gujarat-India). He is tech enthusiast person. Contact Him Here
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