Sunday, August 12, 2012

Create A Free Website With Ten Easy Steps Using Weebly.

Create Free Website

    It is really great fun to have your own website that shares your hobbies, interest, passion and thoughts.Creating a website from the scratch using some of the programming languages or tools like HTML, JavaScript, Java, PHP, ASP, Python etc. become toughest task for the users who doesn’t know about it.
        There is such website online which provides the facility of building website using drag and drop features. The Weebly provides a platform to create free websites; anyone can build it without deep knowledge of programming languages or any other tools. The wizard and drag and drop facility of Weebly makes easy to website building.

Step By Step 
Click on images to view in large.
1     Go through the registration process, during it you will receive an email containing username and link to reset password.

Register at Weebly

2     In next step it will ask for title, category and types of site for your website. 

3.     Select domain name if you have one otherwise go for first option "Use subdomain of"

enter domain to weebly

4.     Design your home page. Initially it will be blank you have to drag and drop the elements like paragraph, title, video etc.

5     On the same page there are tabs like design, pages, setting etc. go through them one by one and apply it as per your requirement. Using design tab you can change layout of the web site. You will get some pre-defined set of templates.
Change Layout of the website in weebly

6      Go to Pages to insert a new page in the website like about us, contact us etc.If you want to hide added pages from navigation bar simply tick the option "Hide page in navigation menu"

Insert page in website

7.     Go to the Editor tab to apply editor and administrator rights to the users.

add editors in weebly

8.     Go to the Setting tab where you can enter parameters for the footer message, site favicon, site password as well search engine optimization.

9.     At the end click on "Publish" button in the right top corner to make live web site.

Website Published on internet

10.     Enter the your web site url in the web browser and watch it live.

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