Friday, August 24, 2012

Organize Your Task List With ToDoList 6.5


     If you think this program is a simple "shopping list" you are wrong. ToDoList is a true all-rounder program. Of course, you can create a list of planned activities, but also to manage task more complex and articulated, such as those that are part of a project. ToDoList simplified about this kind of activity thanks to the representation tasks in a tree.And its dependencies. 
     You can assign individual priorities to individual tasks within a project, and at any time you can change the data inserted or mark the task as completed. 
     In addition, each item can be widely annotated and classified, also to keep updated the participants on the status of progress of the work. In this way it is possible to always have a vision assembly of the project and the details of each progress made.

ToDoList 6.5 can be downloaded free of charge. only registration is required.

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