Monday, July 16, 2012

Instruct Your Computer To Automatically Shutdown In Specified Time Period

Instruct Computer To Shutdown In Specific Time Period
Today downloading contents from internet is becoming compulsory task for the average user. About 25 – 60% of time user spends to download on the internet. If you are heavy Downloader, this will really help you. Some time user has to wake up till midnight to complete the download of the large size file. Now in this post I am going to share with you such trick as will be more helpful. The trick is all about shutting down the system in a specified time period. Using it one can instruct the computer to shut down. To create such instructions for computer follow these steps

Step By Step

1. Open Notepad and enter code given below

Shutdown –s –t 3600    

2. Save file with .bat extension
3. Run this file

As result it will show you shutdown related message on screen. And exact after one hour system will close automatically.

Using above code user will create simple batch file. Where shutdown –s command forces system to close in –t 3600 (specified time period). Here in above command I have used 3600 seconds to shutdown system after 1 hour. You can enter that value as per your requirement.  

By Jitendra Indave

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