Sunday, July 1, 2012

How To Set Authentication Icon For Verified E-mail Sender

Varified Sender In Gmail
If you are customer of online shopping site ebay and money processor Paypal  then this is related to you. In Gmail, there is setting where the user can set the authentication icon for the mail sender who belongs to either ebay or  Paypal. This way the user can get information that the mail is not fake anymore. Spammers and phishers always tries to trap user by sending fake emails using the name of trusted site Paypal or ebay. This will really help to keep away such phishers and spammers. For that just go to option in Gmail. Select "Lab". In the list click on enable of "Authentication icon for verified senders" option. That's you are done. As output will be getting key icon as prefix in email if it is from a trusted source.

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