Sunday, July 8, 2012

How To Be Smart Searcher Using Advance Search Operators In Google: Part 2

Be Smart With Google
Friends, in the last part we discussed some of the useful operates to search for accurate information using search giant Google. We got information all about include, file type, synonyms, domain, site, OR, phrase and range searches. Now in this current part we will see a few more like exclude, wild card characters, Allin, info etc. I am sure after studying these you will become smarter with your search technique. So, let's move on topic.

Exclude Search

            When user want to exclude some of the keywords from search terms at that time as exclude search – sign can be used. For example: from the jitendra indave search term I want to exclude the keyword “dave

Jitendra -indave 

Wild Card Characters

            The asterisk symbol * is used as a wild card character here. Which represents any character and any number of. For example: if we enter the word “comp*” then as a result we will get a compiler, CompTIA, CompTac, Compcard etc.



            When we want to look for information only in title of websites, in the text or in url at that time this term can be used. For example: if we enter Allin: title as a result Google will look for that information in heading of the website only. If we enter Allin: url then Google will look for this information in the url(s) only.

Allin:title enigmazone


               This term is used to get information about the website. As a result user gets a description of the website.


            Using this term user can get stock information directly without visiting any share-trading website.



            Using this term user can get information of  weather for the current city. Just give it try.

Did you know Google can be used as calculator also ? You can try.

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