Saturday, July 7, 2012

How To Be Smart Searcher Using Advance Search Operators In Google: Part 1

Advance Search Using Goolge
While searching information using Google, most of the time user enters directly keywords and clicks to search button. As result we get such hit list where related search term is available in various form. Means there can be text link, video link, audio link, Google book link etc. In short what exact information user looking for, will not be received from that result we have to manually sort out. For example I want to search file named “brazil” in mp3 format. For that Google will not show you directly mp3 format file related to Brazil. Instead of it Google will show mix result that includes so many url those redirects to the various sources. If you want to get more accurate result from Google then there are some operators should be used. Following are some operators to use that will make you more smart on internet. 

Include Search or “+” Search
The common words, such as where, the, how, and, other digits are letters are ignored by Google during searching because it slows down the searching. However if the common words are essential for getting the result, then by putting + in front of words will search the pages including the word which we have used after +. For example: Search for “Use of the”, we can write in text box as:

    Use of +the

Synonym Search
            If we want to search the search term along with synonyms, we should put tilde sign (“~”) immediately in front of our search term. For example: how to search for clothes, fashion and dresses. As result we will get same meaning of information in search


“OR” Search

            When we want to search pages that include either of two search terms, we need type OR in between two keywords. For example we want to search colleges in either Paris or Lyon:
            While entering this type of criteria we should keep in mind that the operator must be in capital word or as alternative" | " pipe sign can be used.

Colleges in Paris OR Lyon

Domain Search

            When we want to search in specific website only, we should write search term followed by the word “site” and a colon followed by the domain name. For example: we want to search information related to Nokia mobile price on

Nokia mobile price

If we want to search for Nokia mobile price information on all .com domains, we have to enter criteria following way:

Nokia mobile

Range Search

            This is most useful to the shoppers. If you are going to buy something but in between specific price range then Range search will help you to look for. For example, if we want to search for Laptop costs in the range Rs. 10000 to 25000

Laptop Rs. 10000..Rs.25000

There will be used two dots (..) in between price range.

Phrase Search

            Instead of keywords if you want to go with phrase search. Then you can use double quotation mark following way. That will show you exact phase term related result. For example, roll of Gandhi in Indian freedom

“roll of Gandhi in Indian freedom”

Use of “Filetype”

            If we want to search file named “Brazil” in mp3 format then following way we have to enter keywords along with filetype word.

Brazil filetype:.mp3

As a result, user will receive link of the file named Brazil in mp3 format. Same way we can find files in other formats. If you want get in word document format simply after filetype we will use .doc, for powerpoint file .ppt, for portable document format .pdf etc

Few more advance search options are there we will discuss it later in next session. 

By Jitendra Indave

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