Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Best 7 Tips to Keep Secure User ID and Password on Internet

User ID and Password Security Steps
As seen in the last update, not only LinkedIn but also other giant like Yahoo, not safe from hackers. Around 4 Lac ID and Password from Yahoo network was stolen and posted publicly. This makes normal user anxious. Anyone can think if such giants are targeted easily than what about normal user? Is he really secure over here with his ID and Password? We can’t say surely about it. But we still maintain strong security if we follow certain rules. Here Enigmazone providing information to our readers what to do to keep secure your user ID and password.  
  1. Whenever you work online, make sure you have properly signed out or it will be hacked and misused by any other person without your consent.
  1. Never ever share it with anyone, not even with your close friend or relative. And also maintain a good habit to “do not write/type” in mobile devices about your password or hint.
  1. Change password week by week or month by month. Don’t maintain same password for long. Keep changing it periodically.
  1. A password should not be related to your personal information. Some peoples have a habit of keeping the password like their personal or business mobile number, child's name, lover's name, close friend's name, vehicle number or date of birth. These are the information, easily can be traced by hackers.  
  1. Avoid public computer or cyber cafe to access your online financial related matters like net banking, share trading and other sensitive information. There could be installed key loggers or malware to capture your action to steal the password.
  1. While accessing net banking makes sure the address starts with “https” .That will keep away you from the activity of phishing. In case you receive any email from a bank or online money processors like Payza (formerly Alertpay), Paypal just inquire about it or search on Google then proceed to transaction or fishers could be making you fool. If you are using Gmail you can activate one of their lab products free of charge “Authentication icon for verified senders” to make sure that the email sender is genuine person. Right now this works for Paypal and eBay user.
  1. Always keep updated your antivirus and online protection software.      
By Jitendra Indave

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