Saturday, July 7, 2012

Are You Ready For 9 July 2012? Check It Out.

DNS Changer Malware 9 July 2012

Since last week, the heading that "On July 9 More Than 2500000 Computers Will Not Be Able to Connect to Internet " is flashing in the news. Perhaps you want to know what all this matter is. Well, friends according to computer programmers researchers and FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) there is malware as DNS changer, which diverts internet traffic to non-trusted web sites. This fault was detected by the FBI. To resolve it, they replaced two infected servers with clean new servers. It was a temporary solution up to 9 July 2012. Now it’s time to shut down those servers as result around 2500000 systems all over the world will come under attack of DNS changing malware. In India the figure of infected system reached above 21000. Only in the USA, more than 69000 users are there which are infected by this malware. Right now some updates (tools), to protect against this Trojan attack is being given free of cost by McAfee. If you want to check whether you are affected by DNS changing malware or not then point your web browser to: Check Your Computer If Affected By DNS Changer (Malware). In case you are affected then what preventive measure should be taken given in the above link.  

By Jitendra Indave

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