Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Top Five Most Useful FireFox Extensions

WOT – While surfing on internet user want to be safe as much as possible on priority base. User always wants to know which web site or source is reliable and which not. Weather the web site is scam, unreliable or trusted. User can get report of the same on the bases of user review and vote regarding particular website. Using this extension user can get detail weather you should trust on that web site or not.User can see reviews available for specific website. After installing this add-on user can vote and comment for website. 

AdBlcokPlus- If you are really got bored of advertisements by appearing off and on while surfing. This open source attempt can help you to block all unnecessary advertises those all misleads you. More than 13,963,276 Mozila Firefox users trust on it. This will really regain control of internet and will change experience of surfing.
Firebug- This is very good extension for the developers, using it developer can view, edit, debug and monitor all the HTML, CSS, JavaScript code of website. No need to install a big sized program. Only this small extension will do the above tasks.  

Form Recover Extension

Lazarus: Form Recovery 2.3- Many times it becomes tiresome task to fill up form on the web. If, suddenly server error, request time out or any kind of error occurs, user required filling up same data again and if the form is lengthy then it becomes more tiresome task. To overcome it, there is extension available named “Lazarus: Form Recovery 2.3”. This recovers all the lost information on form.


ReminderFox – This extension saves all the alerts, important dates, To-do list and priority work list of user. No need to have separate calendar to tick your important dates and alerts. By integrating this extension to Firefox one can be in touch with all his reminder, To-do list and alerts. 

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